Lesson #5

This is the final video in this series. We’re going to review today, and I’m going to it by showing you a couple of exercises that will help you practice the chords. Not only practice the chords, but help you change from one to the other.

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Hey there. Thomas Michaud here. Caught me tuning again. Nothing worse than an out-of-tune guitar. Welcome back. This is Basic Guitar Chords number five. This is the final video in this series. We’re going to review today, and I’m going to it by showing you a couple of exercises that will help you practice the chords. Not only practice the chords, but help you change from one to the other.

I’m not going to go back and show you the chord forms. You can go back and review videos one through four if you forget the fingering. We’re going to go forwards and learn how to really play these chords. Let’s do it.

Let me show you the exercise first. D. G. E, and A7. Now repeat that part. Then goes the G. A7. To D. B-Minor. G. A7. We’re going to end on the D chord. Same as first bar. Here’s the D. To finish it up.

Let’s try it together. Go nice and slow, and I’ll call out the chords, starting on D. Ready? Go. D, two strums. Going to G. Back to D. A7. Do that same pattern again. D. G. See, single finger’s fine. D. A7. Go to the G chord four times. A7. D chord. How’re you doing? B minor. To G. A7. Get ready, we’re going to do that first pattern again. Two strums each. To D. G. A7. End on the D.

Go ahead and go back and practice that a few times.

Exercise number two. We’re going to use some minor chords. D minor, A minor, E7, and I’m going to throw in a G there that’s going to sound cool. Listen to this. Repeat that. D minor. E7. Back to A minor. D minor. Change up here to G. E7. Starts over. Okay. I won’t go on again. We’re going to do it together. That’s D minor, A minor, E7, watch for the G. Start on A minor. Go ahead and figure your chords.

Remember that strum? Feel free to go back to the previous lesson if you need some work on that. I’m going to assume that you’ve done what it takes to get that strum. I’m going to do one strum per chord, except at the very end, there’s two strums for the last chord. Once we get to the end, I’m going to repeat the whole thing.

Here we go. Start on A minor. Ready? Go. A minor. G. D minor. E7. Repeat that. G. D minor. E7. D minor. To A minor. E7. Back to A minor. D minor. G. E7. Two times there. Back to A minor. G. D minor. E7. I’ll end on A minor.

That’s it for my Basic Guitar Chord series. I hope you got some value out of this.